

British consumer research says that only one business in three is any good at letting consumers know what it stands for socially. We suspect the same is true here. If you have an inspiring social stand that matches intelligently with your brand, why keep it a secret?

Your social stand is:

  • the very best brand story you’ve got to tell
  • the best point of competitive difference you’ve got to talk about
  • the best new product launch you could have on your marketing calendar

Tell the story:
  • on packaging
  • in your call-waiting message
  • in the conversation with your sales reps and merchandisers
  • in your recruiting messages


The Robin Hood Marque is one way we can help you to “tell your story.” It’s the award we make to business partners who make a measurable social difference.

In a simple and straightforward process, we take you through:

  • understanding your place in the social sector
  • using a strategic rather than an ad-hoc approach
  • inspiring leadership behaviour
  • action and measurement

Remember, nearly half of consumers in your region have bought a product or service because of its association with a charity or worthy cause. The Robin Hood Marque enables you to communicate to them and to your consumers more generally that you’re a socially active company. It underlines the authenticity of your social stand and can be used in any of your product promotional or communications materials — from your annual report through to product packaging.

You can’t buy that kind of good publicity — and the marque is not for sale. But it is free to Robin Hood Asia members. Talk to us soon about its use and application.

With the Robin Hood Marque you communicate to your consumers that you’re a socially active company
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